Say Good-Bye to Razors, Forever!



The newest growing trend in aesthetics!


Gone are the days of bushes and landing strips. Hair-free is the next best thing in 2022, let’s be real!


Long story short: laser hair removal works by targeting and zapping the hair follicle itself, preventing it from regrowing.


There are several different types of lasers on the market, that’s why research is KEY!


I’m sure everyone knows someone who has had a bad experience with laser or has been burned. Burns are typically done by inexperienced aestheticians that have the laser on the incorrect setting or are using poor-quality lasers—resulting in a painful experience and unhappy client.


Thankfully, at Solange, we do our research and our aestheticians go through rigorous training to provide the best laser services around.


We use a SOPRANO ICE Diode Laser. What does this mean?

It’s actually suitable for ALL skin types. Yes, ALL!

Fitzpatrick scale 1–6 no matter the tone or texture.


It’s cold to touch, reducing the risk of any burns or scars significantly. We also provide client consultations to make sure we answer all questions appropriately and make our clients feel as comfortable as possible.


The laser tip is ice cold, YEP! But it warms up once it’s used along the skin. We use ultrasound gel to help glide the laser over the area. And there’s MINIMAL to no downtime afterwards.


Because the laser is so powerful, we recommend laser sessions done once every four weeks. Those with more stubborn, coarse or darker hair generally require more laser sessions to effectively target treatment areas. General rule of thumb? About 8–12 sessions needed for best results.


One thing we do ask our laser clients to do is shave the night before, and refrain from any waxing or sugaring two weeks prior to laser treatment. Now, you CAN shave in between laser sessions if needed, but once session 10 hits, the majority of people are GOLDEN & HAIR FREE!


Thinking about doing laser? Honestly, I have never had a client come back disagreeing or upset with laser treatment to this day! Only good things over here!


Our laser is top-of-the-line—the only cooling laser on the market. And it’s designed to keep you comfortable all through your treatment sessions. Trust me, I have tried it (several times now!) and so has my (“man baby”) spouse. No complaints here!


Because hair grows in differently at different times, each follicle can be in a different growth stage. This is why we often require multiple sessions: to target each individual follicle in a specific phase of growth for maximum results.


We offer exclusive financing to our laser clients, and a one-year unlimited full-body laser membership for the FULL laser experience!


Trust me, I will NEVER be going back to the awkward shower positions trying to shave in areas where hair never should have grown in the first place!


Curious about laser services?


DM, CALL or TXT us to book!


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